Secure Your Sliding Glass Door

Since there are so many people who have sliding glass doors on their patio, we thought it would be a good time to inform you of the things that make your sliding glass door a prime target for burglar to gain access inside.

Weak Latch – You might think that as long as you lock the sliding door that this is enough to keep out an intruder. Unfortunately, it is not enough. Again, the latch is only intended to keep the door closed. This type of door can easy to gain access to with simple force. Many companies that make and sell sliding doors are actually aware of the threat of intrusion and are not creating doors with extra locks to improve security. There are other locks that we can add to your sliding glass door if you do not have one with the added lock feature.

You Can’t See Them – So it’s no secret that most sliding glass doors are located in the back of the home. It’s usually used for the patio door. This means that if someone is attempting to break into your home, others are not able to see them. Even if someone does catch their eye, they may assume that it is someone working on the door or some other type of service provider. However, one of our locksmiths can help you with this problem too. We suggest that you have motion lights installed so that the light will shine brightly the moment they step foot on your property. Someone who is trying to break in will immediately get scared off. We also have simply door alarms that we can install. It is easy to set up and helps to thwart an attempted burglary.

Everything is Exposed – Unfortunately, as nice as a glass door looks it could be inviting trouble. Did you know that there are thieves who will peer into windows just to see what you have that they may want? If they see enough things that they feel are of value to them then they may attempt to gain access while you are away. Again, this is why making sure you have an added lock or alarm installed on your sliding glass door. Don’t wait for someone to break-in before you take action. The key is to be proactive so that you can avoid the misfortune of someone breaking in.

Easy to Dislocate – There is no denying that a sliding glass door is aesthetically appealing and can make any area of the home look better, they simply are not built well. Most are made of a flimsy metal. Consider the fact that if someone wants to get in all they have to do is push on the glass panel or push the door off its track. How difficult can this be? We would have to say not very difficult at all especially since we are called upon all the time about this very problem. With this in mind, it doesn’t matter how many good reviews a particular type of sliding glass door receives, it will not be well built. Which makes it very easy to dislocate.

Finding a Reliable & Trustworth Locksmith

If you already have a sliding glass door and are reading this article, no doubt you are concerned about your security. However, it takes more than just being concerned about your security. You need to take action if you wish to avoid a home intrusion.You will likely ask someone whom you trust and that you believe will offer you a good referral. You could even ask them about their experience with the particular locksmith and why they would recommend them. This is a logical question and before asking them, they may freely offer you this information.

We would also recommend that you check online business reviews. When you do then you’ll likely be able to find the right locksmith for your needs. Many consumers do not mind leaving feedback about a service provider. We know that they certainly don’t mind complaining but believe it or not, there are just as many people who like to brag about a good experience as there are who will talk about their bad experience with a specific service provider. What you are looking for when you check out online reviews is a service provider that has more good reviews than they have bad reviews. Beware of any locksmith service that has all good reviews because this just isn’t realistic. Not everyone is always going to be happy with your services. It’s unrealistic to think that they will. Steer clear of these businesses. However, you definitely want to consider the locksmith that has more favorable reviews than negative reviews, as they will likely be the ones that are reputable and trustworthy. This method has led many in Nile right here to our locksmith service, where our locksmiths are vetted and background checked. Don’t neglect your home security. Look at the most inconspicuous places and secure them as soon as possible.

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